1. georefdatar::ALL_MORB__GALE__2013
  2. georefdatar::Atmophile
    Goldschmidt's classification of the elements
  3. georefdatar::BAB__GALE__2013
  4. georefdatar::CC_Bulk__Rudnick_Gao__2014
    Bulk Continental Crust
  5. georefdatar::CC_Bulk__Taylor_McLennan__1995
    Bulk Continental Crust
  6. georefdatar::CC_Lower__Rudnick_Gao__2014
    Lower Continental Crust
  7. georefdatar::CC_Lower__Taylor_McLennan__1995
    Lower Continental Crust
  8. georefdatar::CC_Middle__Rudnick_Gao__2014
    Middle Continental Crust
  9. georefdatar::CC_Upper__Rudnick_Gao__2014
    Upper Continental Crust
  10. georefdatar::CC_Upper__Taylor_McLennan__1995
    Upper Continental Crust
  11. georefdatar::CI__McDonough_Sun__1995
  12. georefdatar::Chalcophile
    Goldschmidt's classification of the elements
  13. georefdatar::EMORB__Sun_McDounough__1989
    E-type MORB
  14. georefdatar::HREE
    Rare earth elements - REE, LREE, MREE, HREE, REM, Lanthanides
  15. georefdatar::ICS_Colors
    The CGMW ICS color codes
  16. georefdatar::IPGE
    Platinum-group elements - PGE
  17. georefdatar::IUPAC_StdAW
    IUPAC Standard atomic weights of the elements
  18. georefdatar::LREE
    Rare earth elements - REE, LREE, MREE, HREE, REM, Lanthanides
  19. georefdatar::Lanthanides
    Rare earth elements - REE, LREE, MREE, HREE, REM, Lanthanides
  20. georefdatar::Lithophile
    Goldschmidt's classification of the elements
  21. georefdatar::MREE
    Rare earth elements - REE, LREE, MREE, HREE, REM, Lanthanides
  22. georefdatar::NMORB__Sun_McDounough__1989
    N-type MORB
  23. georefdatar::OIB__Sun_McDounough__1989
    Ocean Island Basalts - OIB
  24. georefdatar::PGE
    Platinum-group elements - PGE
  25. georefdatar::PM__Sun_McDounough__1989
    Primitive mantle
  26. georefdatar::PPGE
    Platinum-group elements - PGE
  27. georefdatar::Pyrolite__McDonough_Sun__1995
  28. georefdatar::REE
    Rare earth elements - REE, LREE, MREE, HREE, REM, Lanthanides
  29. georefdatar::REM
    Rare earth elements - REE, LREE, MREE, HREE, REM, Lanthanides
  30. georefdatar::Siderophile
    Goldschmidt's classification of the elements
  31. georefdatar::decayConstants
    Decay constants
  32. georefdatar::isoRatios
    Isotopic rations
  33. georefdatar::mins
    List of Minerals
  34. georefdatar::pte
    Periodic Table of Elements